Man-Made Disasters

Man-made disasters are different from natural disasters because they involve human intent, negligence, or error. These disasters occur when a man-made system fails, rather than being caused by natural hazards.

How To Store Fuel For Emergencies: The Ultimate Guide

Of the four basic needs of survival–food, clothes, shelter, and fuel–the latter is usually overlooked. That is, of course, until ...
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Are Packing Peanuts Good Insulators?

Packing peanuts insulate similarly as layering clothes. When it’s cold outside, one of the best things you can do to ...
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Do First Aid Kits Expire? Emergency Supplies Do’s and Dont’s

First aid kits contain crucial equipment for medical emergencies in a wide range of situations.  Whether you have an accident ...
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Do Water Purification Tablets Expire?

We all enjoy drinking clean water.  However, when you are out in nature or find yourself in an emergency, access ...
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10 Reason You Need Stormproof Matches

Yeah, everyone knows about lighters, but there is something nostalgic about matches.  From a survivalist perspective, a good match can ...
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The 7 Best Radio Walkie Talkies for Emergencies

Emergencies come in all shapes and sizes. Regardless of whether you’re out hiking or snowmobiling and need medical assistance, or ...
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